Namaqualand, the bloomed desert

0 copertina giovedi Namaqualand

The Earth is a wonderful planet and every day reserve us… wonderful surprises. Look around!


It’s for this reason that The Golden Scope, each day, with renewed enthusiasm, goes in search of new places to show you.

Today we suggest a very very “wonderful surprises”: Namaqualand, a bloomed desert!


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Through this book, an italian entrepreneu shares his unique path to self-discovery with a charming and magical old China as backdrop. A country of fairy-like landscapes, strong principled culture, and a poor and respectful population, who, through ancient proverbs, taught to appreciate the small things most people would take for granted.


This arid and dry area, during most of the year, is located in South Africa, about 500 km from Cape Town between the Orange River and the wild Atlantic Ocean.

During the short spring, between August and September, in this place something wonderfully unique happens…. the poor rains transform, almost magically, the arid landscape in endless stretches of wild flowers multicoloured!

There are over three thousand species of plants and about a third of them exist only in that area!

There is another extraordinary aspect…this “ocean” of flowers, offer a different show: in sunny days the flowers are opened and oriented towards the sun, while in cloudy days they remain closed resulting a different amazing picture.

The flowers represent life, the colors bring joy… South Africa is a fascinating country …

The combination of these factors produces, in the South Africa spring, one of most beautiful and impressive spectacles of nature, the bloomed desert!


T H E   V I D E O


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