The kingdom of flowers, Hitachi Seaside Park

The kingdom of flowers, Hitachi Seaside Park

If you love to admire spectacular landscapes, you should definitely head to Japan and go visit Hitachi Seaside Park.

This unique natural park is characterised by a wonderful flora that fills up Hitachi with different colours every month.

What I mean by that is that Hitachi Seaside Park is one of the few natural reserves in the world to feature different kinds of flowers blooming in different periods of the year.

This way, whenever you go visit the park, you will have the chance to see colourful buds turning into beautiful flowers, despite the season or the weather.

If you are interested and you really want to go visit Hitachi Seaside Park, have a read at the following flower calendar, so you will know which colours you will be able to see when there:

Suisen Garden: blooming between March and April (yellow colour)

Tamago no Mori Flower Garden: blooming in April (orange colour)

Kinen no Mori Footpath: blooming throughout the whole year (white colour)

Hina no Hayashi: blooming in September (dark pink colour)

Miharashi no Oka Nemophila: blooming between April and May (green colour)

Miharashi no Oka Kochia: blooming between September and October (red colour)

Miharashi no Oka Cosmos: blooming between September and October (violet colour)

Daisogen Flower Garden: blooming between April and June (red colour)

Hitachino Path: blooming between July and November (purple colour)

Sakyu Kansatsu Enro: blooming between May and October (light orange colour)

Sakyu Garden: blooming between May and November (white colour)

Kaori no Tani: blooming between March and October (violet colour)

Rock Garden: blooming between March and November (green colour)

Ice Tulips: blooming in January (dark pink colour)

Sareki Garden: blooming between February and November (white colour)

In addition to the flowers listed above, Tiger Lilies and other costal plants grow and bloom during all four seasons.

While at Hitachi Seaside Park, you can also go for a train ride along the coast and breathe in some fresh marine breeze, or for a bike ride around the park.

If while you’re there you get hungry, there are several restaurants, positioned around the perimeter of the park, offering delectable and affordable meals.

When planning to go to Hitachi Seaside Park, make sure you don’t head there on a Monday, as you will find that the park is closed.

To get there, you can either leave from Tokyo taking an express train to Ajigaura Station, and from there walk to the park (the walk is only 20 minutes); or leave from Tokyo and head to Katsuta Station. From there you can take a taxi or a bus and get to Hitachi in 15 minutes.

If you are actually travelling to Japan, you should include Hitachi Seaside Park on your “must-see” list, as the atmosphere surrounding the whole place is absolutely magical and wonderful, featuring colourful flowers covering the ground with a carpet of delicate petals.

If you don’t believe me, go see it for yourself!


T H E   V I D E O


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