The old village of Corinaldo

Marche is a region in central Italy, overlooking the Adriatic Sea. The Umbrian-Marchigian Apennine marks the border with other regions: Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, and also Emilia -Romagna and Abruzzo… a  significant geographical position that characterizes its vocation to “plurality”.

Marche’s territory: few flat areas, exclusively in the coastal zone, while the hilly areas are almost 70% of the total area. It’s the most “hilly” regions of Italy and for this characteristic it is an important wine land.

Just  in the middle of this wine land, on the top of a hill,  over 200 meters above sea level, surrounded by the vineyards that produce the famous “Verdicchio”; there is a nice medieval village: Corinaldo. Today we’ll visit it.

In 2007, Corinaldo won the title of “the most beautiful ancient hamlet in Italy”. It dates back to the fifth century a.C. when a group of fugitives from Suasa, an old city destroyed by fierce fighting, decided to create it. They carefully chose the summit of a hill, from where they could to see enemies, even from afar.

A few centuries later, more precisely in 1367, the village was literally rebuilt ex novo, with permission granted directly by Pope Urbano V. Corinaldo had new imposing wall that today we can admire almost intact.

These walls, which are considered the best preserved in central Italy, “amorously” protect the hamlet with its classic medieval features: fascinating and winding streets encircled ancient buildings… with modern fixtures that bring us back to the third millennium. otherwise we would have the feeling of being in a distant era over time…

The Town Hall, the Sanctuary of Saint Maria Goretti, native in this place, and the beautiful “Carlo Goldoni” Municipal Theater ;dating back to the nineteenth century ,are some of the most significant examples of those buildings.

The “polenta well ” is famous for the annual historical re-enactment, it’s located halfway of the charming staircase of 109 steps in the heart of Corinaldo. This event  includes hundreds of characters with antique costumes that remember  the victory obtained by Corinaldo in the battle of 1517. The name of this well comes from a legend telling of a farmer and his sack of flour who sat on the edge of the well to rest during the hard climb and inadvertently fell inside. The  flour mixed with the water… the desperate farmer cried out loudly, sparking many people! From the edge of the well they screamed him to not despair that they would have prepared a beautiful polenta!


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