Cable Beach, a paradise of colors
In a region of Western Australia, Kimberley, there is Broome, a small town. In the last century its mainly activity was the farming of pearls, it developed a real aquaculture industry that covered 60% of the market world.
Throughout the region there are natural beauties, but Broome has a privileged position and for this reason in recent years, it has considerably improved the tourism. In fact it is located on a peninsula south of which the enchanting Roebuck Bay opens and at the north there is the natural wonder of which we speak today: Cable Beach!
A coastline of over 20 kilometers with endless beach, that seems to get lost on the horizon… where more beautiful colors in the world sovereign reign….
This beautiful beach, pure white sand typical of the tropics, takes its name from the fact that in 1889 there was laid the submarine telegraph cable that linking Australia to Singapore and then to England, considered the motherland by most Australian settlers of that time.
Cable Beach is also famous because near Gantheaume Point, its extreme south-west, at about 30 meters from the coast, there are some dinosaur footprints, dating back over 100 million years ago, which are visible only at low tide.
Low tide phase creates fantastic landscapes with sand that emerges on the water generating large areas where it’s possible to walk… observing from a distance it creates the optical effect of a “walk on the water”!
Besides the beautiful resorts often organize excursions on camel immortalized by very nice photos of the various times of the day, nice pictures that become wonderful when portraying these excursions in the magical moments of the sunset and sunrise.
Cable Beach, a paradise of colors that everyone should visit to experience the unique sensation of peace with oneself and with the world during the setting sun, with thousand reflections on the sea…and then when it returns to surprise us with exciting new colors in the Australian sunrise.
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